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[问答] 419P(arm)、951N(x86)官方amule连不上服务器啥问题?

  • TA的每日心情

    2014-5-17 19:39
  • 签到天数: 5 天









    发表于 2020-7-12 17:15:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    QNAP 419P(arm)和951N(x86)上官方的amule连不上服务器怎么回事?

    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Initialising aMuleD 2.3.1 compiled with wxGTK2 v2.8.12 2020-07-12 17:14:07: Checking if there is an instance already running...
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Deleted stale lock file '/root/.aMule/muleLock'.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: No other instances are running.!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: ERROR: WARNING Warning! You are running aMule as root.!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Doing so is not recommended for security reasons,!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: and you are advised to run aMule as an normal!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: user instead.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Creditfile loaded, 0 clients are known
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: *** TCP socket (ECServer) listening on
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Created Server UDP-Socket at port 4665
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: ListenSocket: Ok.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Created Client UDP-Socket at port 4672
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: amuled: forking to background - see you
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Loading server.met file: /root/.aMule/server.met!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: 5 servers in server.met found
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Loading temp files from /share/Multimedia/aMule/Temp.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: All PartFiles Loaded.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: No part files found
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: No shareable files found in directory: /share/Multimedia/aMule/Incoming
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Found 0 known shared files
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: amuled: OnInit - starting timer
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Loading IP filters 'ipfilter.dat' and 'ipfilter_static.dat'.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Loaded 0 IP-ranges from '/root/.aMule/ipfilter.dat'.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Loaded 0 IP-ranges from '/root/.aMule/ipfilter_static.dat'.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: IP filter is ready!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Connecting
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Connecting to eMule Security No1 ( - using protocol obfuscation.!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: No contacts found, please bootstrap, or download a nodes.dat file.!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Kad started.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: New external connection accepted
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Connecting client: aMuleweb 2.3.1
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Access granted.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: New external connection accepted
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Connecting client: aMuleweb 2.3.1
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Access granted.
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Lost connection to eMule Security No1 (!
    2020-07-12 17:14:07: Connection lost
    2020-07-12 17:14:08: Connecting to TV Underground ( - using protocol obfuscation.
    2020-07-12 17:14:09: Lost connection to TV Underground (!
    2020-07-12 17:14:09: Connection lost
    2020-07-12 17:14:09: New external connection accepted
    2020-07-12 17:14:09: Connecting client: aMuleweb 2.3.1
    2020-07-12 17:14:09: Access granted. 2020-07-12 17:50:51: Lost connection to TV Underground (!
    2020-07-12 17:50:51: Connection lost
    2020-07-12 17:51:13: Connection attempt to eMule Security No1 ( timed out.
    2020-07-12 17:51:13: Connecting to eMule Security No3 ( - using protocol obfuscation.
    2020-07-12 17:51:13: Connection attempt to eMule Security No3 ( timed out.
    2020-07-12 17:51:13: Connecting to eMule Security No4 ( - using protocol obfuscation.
    2020-07-12 17:51:15: Connection attempt to TV Underground ( timed out.
    2020-07-12 17:51:15: Connecting to eMule Security No2 ( - using protocol obfuscation.
    2020-07-12 17:51:15: Lost connection to eMule Security No2 (!
    2020-07-12 17:51:15: Connection lost2020-07-12 17:51:39: Connection attempt to eMule Security No4 ( timed out.
    2020-07-12 17:51:40: Connection attempt to eMule Security No2 ( timed out.!
    2020-07-12 17:51:40: Failed to connect to all obfuscated servers listed. Making another pass without obfuscation.
    2020-07-12 17:51:41: Connecting to eMule Security No1 ( -
    2020-07-12 17:51:41: Lost connection to eMule Security No1 (!
    2020-07-12 17:51:41: Connection lost
    2020-07-12 17:51:42: Connecting to TV Underground ( -
    2020-07-12 17:51:43: Lost connection to TV Underground (!2020-07-12 17:51:43: Connection lost

    QNAP TS-419P@Seagate 1T*4 Raid5
    MacBook Pro 470
    Thinkpad T400 2767RD6 with 120G intel 330SSD+F3507G WWAN+intel 5300 WLAN+2G x2
    iPad2 3g 16G(5.0.1jail)、iPod3 32G(5.1.1jail)、iPhone4 16G(5.01jail)
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    GMT+8, 2025-1-15 16:41

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