欢迎来到RTNAS V3 开源站点.RTNAS V3 是基于OpenWRT 12.09 进行二次开发的.RTNAS V3 硬件计划如下:
[*]Armada 370 1.2G(含硬件浮点3.0) 类Cortex A9 指令集.
[*]88E6171R 高性能5口千兆交换机.
[*]DDR3 512MB 1333
[*]SATA II* 2
[*]USB 2.0* 2
[*]XOR RAID 5/6 加速引擎.
[*]High-performance, dual-issue, and out-of-order ARMv7 CPU with Floating Point Unit (FPU) operating up to 1.2 GHz (3000 DMIPS)
[*]Single/double precision FPU (VFP3-16) IEEE 754 compliant
[*]32KB-instruction 4-way and 32KB-data 8-way, set-associative L1 cache
[*]256KB unified 4-way, set-associative L2 cache/SRAM
[*]16-bit DDR3/L-1333 memory interface
[*]Two Ethernet networking MACs controllers
[*]Four SERDES lanes with versatile muxing options for SGMII, PCIe2.0, and SATA2.0
[*]Two x1 PCI Express 2.0 interfaces
[*]Two SATA Gen2.0 ports
[*]Two USB 2.0 host/device ports with integrated PHY
[*]Network security engine with various encryption algorithm support
[*]Two TDM channels
[*]SDIO/MMC, NAND flash, two SPI, two TWSI, Device Bus, I2S/SPDIF and two UART interfaces
[*]Two DMA/XOR engines with two independent channels per each engine
[*]RTC and thermal sensor
目前计划开放Kernel 3.0.6的源码. 以及基于OpenWRT12.09 的BSP.
3.0.6 源码是Marvell Armada系列.
Marvell Armada370 1.2G (armv7-a, 乱序执行,dual-issuse,FPU,Thumb-2)Marvell 88E6171R千兆高性能支持VLAN交换机, 5口全千兆交换机.DDR 3 512MBSATA2 * 2 + 板载 12V硬盘供电接口.USB2.0 * 1MiniPci-E * 2 ( 其中一条支持4G网卡,旁边又SIM卡槽)TF卡槽 * 112V 供电.MINI-ITX规格( 17CM * 17CM )可选配件( Marvell 88W8864) 4x4 MIMO 3-spatial Stream Dual-band 802.11ac offering 1.3Gbps WLAN PHY rate. (Atheros AR9580, ABGN 450M 3*3)
持续观望,目前不怎么看好 其实软件得工作量巨大,就好像公司都用redhat,不用其他版本一样,黑裙会得软件很出彩,其他系统再怎么做也无法超出 观望中。 怎么你的很多都是转的DDNAS的内容,来自TRNAS的 设别还是单独使用比较好,要是集成在一起了也就不值钱了,哈哈哈哈哈 这货去年貌似就看过了,是哪个论坛里搞的 看看发什么 用的了 为了 30权限 毫不犹豫的回帖 谢谢分享